Return, Updates

I’ve had only limited use of social media for the past couple of months, but I’m returning now for the start of the new academic year.

While staying away from social media (particularly Twitter) I’ve been able to realize both the good and the bad of using social media. I’ve definitely lost some good connections and the benefits that come from them – books that I would have never known about or read if not for social media, music I would have never discovered, artists and their work, having a finger on the pulse of some communities, etc. – and now am trying to figure out how to reengage. Twitter itself has always been a double edged sword, but recent changes have made the experience way less user friendly.

I’ve joined Bluesky, though I’m trying to figure out my approach to it – my psychialove Twitter was very professional, as I had an older obscure account for more of the music / politics / art / fun side of Twitter, but it is a little stuffy. I’ve followed some people on Bluesky that I know from the past that definitely aren’t always SFW, which is a risk in terms of professionalism (though – if you’ve seen me teach sexuality / gender, you would have to realize that I get my information on “non-academic” aspects of that from somewhere…)

Anyway, I will see if I stay motivated. Check out the Linktree and Padlet.

Residents – I’m going to try to keep up with it, though as usual the official class Dropbox is always being updated.