Upcoming Grand Rounds

Title screen of “With” & “As”: History & The Conceptualization of Sexuality & Gender

I haven’t posted much recently – this is a perennial issue, but to my credit I have some excuses this time- (1) focusing on some family things (2) being “off-season” in terms of lectures (3) new computer (4) website woes (5) spending too much time reading and working on a grand rounds.

I used to do a grand rounds or similar talk about once / year, but paused in 2018 due to some family changes and tried to restart in 2019 with an “easy one” on neuromodulation, only for 2020 to hit as well as increased admin duties and other life things. I wanted to get back into it was a broader topic that spanned the “101” level (which everyone in the audience should be at least somewhat familiar with) while also getting into advanced topics, which made this a difficult one to do in 50 minutes without leaving things out or being too basic. I’m honestly not sure if I succeeded, but at this point I want to get it over with and focus either on an updated asexuality talk or actually doing my review of sexuality and the brain (either paper or talk) that I’ve been considering since giving an basic grand rounds on it in 2014.

I really should be putting more papers on my social media and Padlet, though – that is something that just completely slipped my mind with recent events and with the new computer.