We’re Still Here!

The website is staying in beta for longer that anticipated. Due to recent academic work, potential job offers, family changes, and ongoing computer issues, I’ve been spending more time doing either professional projects or off-line work. I think I need to basically set aside a day to spend on visuals, and then actually start posting. … “We’re Still Here!”

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Behind The Scenes

I have been doing some work on journal work, but that hasn’t translated to much work on the site as of yet.  I’m still bogged down by computer issues, doing lectures / admin projects at work, and summertime activities / gardening. I want to use this site to tell some good stories about medicine, psychiatry, … “Behind The Scenes”

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Garden Season

In retrospect, starting this website in the spring was probably not a good decision. I have been working on my private journal, and I hope to have the “grand opening” of this website (as in, start actually posting things and have publicized it, at least to my friends) in the next couple of months. I … “Garden Season”

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Is PsychiaLove Here?

About a decade ago, a colleague and I came up with the name “PsychLove!” to describe both our love for psychiatry as a field and out combined interests in psychiatry and sexual health. Ten years later, despite multiple intervening years and circumstances, we find ourselves practicing together again; thus, I have decided to bring back … “Is PsychiaLove Here?”

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