Gaming & Suicide

Also check out the good summary of the issues with the "Bystander Effect"

Catatonia Teaching Resources

I haven't had time to check out all of the video yet, but this looks like it could be a good resource -

Happy Ace Week! 2015 Grand Rounds

See disclaimer. Wanted to post this here for history's sake, though it is a product of its specific audience and time. I'm working on an updated version - though by "working" I mean "will hopefully get to at some point!?!?!"

VIP Syndrome


tDCS in the US?

tDCS for depression (or, more exciting for me, other neuropsychiatric indications) has always been one of those things that seems both flaky and potentially promising. It will be interesting to see if data is positive and if/how the device will be used (in clinic like rTMS? At home like CES?) and if it will evolve into actual good practice (like ECT, rTMS, etc.) or more shady / weak evidence (like CES, possible VNS.) Looks like they are doing a study and the FDA is considering clearing it for depression in the US.

Integration With Padlet

Due to some of the, um, "special" state of social media currently, I've been reconsidering actually doing this site. For now, I'm playing around with Padlet (since I've trying to out for teaching) and I may use it as the front page of the site, with this as back-up.I mean, its been almost three years - something is better than nothing?

We’re Still Here!

The website is staying in beta for longer that anticipated. Due to recent academic work, potential job offers, family changes, and ongoing computer issues, I've been spending more time doing either professional projects or off-line work. I think I need to basically set aside a day to spend on visuals, and then actually start posting. There is still some action on the twitter if you like random retweeting?

Behind The Scenes

I have been doing some work on journal work, but that hasn't translated to much work on the site as of yet.  I'm still bogged down by computer issues, doing lectures / admin projects at work, and summertime activities / gardening. I want to use this site to tell some good stories about medicine, psychiatry, medical training, and life in general.  Much of these stories are humorous; however, I don't want it to ever feel like I am laughing at people with health issues.  I have an idea of how to do it, but I want to perfect it as…

Garden Season

In retrospect, starting this website in the spring was probably not a good decision. I have been working on my private journal, and I hope to have the "grand opening" of this website (as in, start actually posting things and have publicized it, at least to my friends) in the next couple of months. I do have a lot of opinions about Trumpcare, but I don't know if I want to start off on such a serious note.  I have tried to remain at least somewhat active on Twitter, so that should be a good idea of my position on…

Is PsychiaLove Here?

About a decade ago, a colleague and I came up with the name "PsychLove!" to describe both our love for psychiatry as a field and out combined interests in psychiatry and sexual health. Ten years later, despite multiple intervening years and circumstances, we find ourselves practicing together again; thus, I have decided to bring back Psych Love [now PsychiaLove] and try to get it started again after a somewhat false start. I'm not sure when the "Grand Opening" will be - for now, bask in the glory of our recommended stock photos and templates!